Faculty of History, Theory and Management of the Arts

The faculty of History, Theory, and Management of the Arts was established on September 1st, 2011. The faculty organizes full-time training in the Bachelor's educational program in the course of Theory and History of the Arts.

Based on the mission of the YSITC (Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography), the professional educational programs of Theory, History, and Management of the Arts, Theatre Studies, Film Studies, and Screenwriting Art aim to train highly qualified specialists in the fields of culture and art according to the requirements of the labor market. These specialists will contribute to the progress and development of the field, build knowledge about the issues of culture and art, and promote the development of analytical abilities.

The professional educational program of "Theory, History, and Management of the Arts" provides training in theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of Art Management, promoting the development of the student's creative abilities.

The professional educational program of "Theatre Studies" provides knowledge of the History and Theory of Theatre Art, promoting the development of the student's creative abilities.

The professional educational program of "Film Studies" provides knowledge of theoretical issues and skills in Film Studies, promoting the development of the student's creative abilities.

The professional educational program of "Screenwriting Art" provides knowledge of theoretical issues and skills in literary mastery, promoting the development of the student's creative abilities.

The Statute of the Faculty of History, Theory and Management of the Arts.

Acting dean Ani Harutunyan, Candidate of Art History

Asistant Suzi Sahakyan

Dean's Office YSTFI, 2nd floor, room 212

060 276382
