Theater Faculty

The Faculty of Theatre at YSTFI was founded in 2011 as a result of the dissolution of the faculty of theatre and film. It serves as an educational, scientific, and administrative unit, providing higher professional education in several specialties and coordinating the creative, scientific research, and educational activities of its departments.

Both lecturers and students of the faculty frequently participate in various local and international competitions, concerts, and other events organized by the institute. They have the opportunity to showcase the practical knowledge they have acquired at the institute and present their final works on the stage of the Youth Theater of YSTFI.

The faculty comprises three chairs.

  1. Chair of Acting Skills and Directing
  2. Chair of Stage Movement and Vocal Training
  3. Chair of Choreography

Aligned with YSTFI's mission, the educational courses in acting, directing, dance directing, and dance art aim to prepare highly qualified specialists in the fields of culture and art, in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. These specialists are expected to contribute to the progress and development of the field, acquire knowledge about cultural and artistic issues, and promote the development of analytical abilities.

Here is the charter of the Faculty of Theatre.

The professional educational course "Acting" provides training in the knowledge and skills of art, promoting the proportional growth of the student’s individual creative abilities and contributing to the development of their creative abilities and analytical thinking.

The professional educational course "Directing" provides training in the knowledge of directing art and the practice of directing and acting skills. It contributes to the development of the student’s individual creative and organizational professional abilities, as well as their knowledge of Armenian and foreign culture and art, promoting the development of analytical abilities.

The professional educational course "Dance Directing" provides training in the knowledge of dance directing, education of dance and musical thinking, and the practice of dance performance and acting skills. It contributes to the development of the student’s individual creative and organizational abilities.

The professional educational course "Dance Art" provides the full spectrum of components of dance performance skills, contributing to the study and practice of dance forms, styles, and genres, expertise in dance performance, and supporting the development of individual creative and organizational professional abilities.

Dean: Sergey Sanoyan

Assistant: Milena Ghazaryan

Deanery: YSTFI, 2nd floor, room 213

060 276382